
In addition to being an educator and providing my students the principles and ideas driving my methods, I am a Behavior Change Coach. Through positive psychology and motivational interviewing, we will partner to help you move forward a stronger and fitter version of you.

Together, we will work to help you determine your own roadmap to success, in whatever lifestyle change you want. As your coach, I may not always provide you the answers you immediately want, but I will help you find the answers you need.

You will come away with a deeper understanding of health, fitness, and strength. If you are ready for a lifelong change, click here.


Your pursuit of strength with me will be all-compassing, mentally as well as physically. Through the use of barbells, kettlebells, gymnastic rings, and your own body weight, you’ll get stronger and more capable than you ever imagined.

We will work together to address sore spots. We will find the areas where you struggle, and then work comfortably to change them.

Part of strength is the pure expression of it. When you can’t fully express it because you’re in pain or discomfort, we’ll fix the patterns that cause the pain. And if I don’t have the answers, I have a large network of professionals to refer your way.

Are you ready to find out how strong you really are? Let’s get started together.


I’m a sprint coach, a hardstyle kettlebell instructor, and jiu jitsu practitioner. I love gymnastics, dance, and playing on the floor. I believe everyone without significant joint problems ought to be able to squat as they did when they were toddlers.

We will play and explore movement in ways you may not have for a long time, if ever. And there are no age restrictions. Everyone can move better, and I believe, they deserve it. Nothing feels better than the physical autonomy that comes with enhanced body awareness.

You can move better, no matter who you are, and I will help. If you’re ready to feel like a graceful and powerful athlete again (or for the first time!), let’s have fun!


For the enterprising physiotherapist or physical therapist, I provide clinical support. With 2,000+ hours on the TRX suspension system as a coach, work with clinically obese, and post-rehab patients and students, my work complements therapy and maximizes individual results.

I collaborate with my remedial students’ physicians, providing detailed session notes where optimal, and integrate therapy goals into my program design.

Additionally, I have lectured clinical staff on the Turkish Get-Up, and have taught it to hundreds and used it extensively in my own training and post-surgical shoulder rehab. As Grey Cook has said, “The Turkish Get-Up is the most powerful functional exercise there is.”

If you are looking for a fitness partner than will truly partner with you in bettering your patients’ results, click here.


With a client list as diverse as Kawasaki Motors, Restaurant365, Panasonic IFE, and Grace Harbor School, my work has to be flexible and approachable. My style is to work closely with Human Resources and use simple but effective solutions for results.

Whether you need to explore corporate fitness options on-site, proprietary classes in a private environment, or are looking to complement wellness programs for employees, I will be your resource to make life easier.

If you are ready to boost your employee productivity, reduce absenteeism, and dramatically reduce turnover (after all, happier employees stay on the job longer), click here!