For Today. For Tomorrow. For Life.
legacy: (leg-uh-see)
noun, plural leg-a-cies
– anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor
strength: (strengkth, strength, strenth)
– the quality or state of being strong; bodily or muscular power; vigor
– mental power, force, or vigor
movement: [moov-muhnt]
– the act, process, or result of moving
– a particular manner or style of moving
– usually movements. actions or activities, as of a person or a body of persons

Unlock your Potential.
At Legacy Strength & Movement, the principles and philosophy of health & fitness are ancient, time-proven, and effective. Your body is the first tool you were given upon your birth, and the methods we use together honor and enhance the gifts you have innately.
This is a process of unlocking your potential, regardless of your age, gender, perceived limitations, genetics, and/or lifestyle . You will uncover and re-discover skills and abilities that you thought impossible, or long-lost. You become the constantly improving athlete you were meant to be.
In a world and society that so often wants to place limits on what we can achieve, you will find new strength within, new ways of moving, and hit the RESET button on your capabilities, both mentally and physically.
Now is the time to begin anew. Now is the time to ask yourself this question, and then take that next step:
What do you want your legacy to be?

Tap your Reservoir of Strength.
With Legacy Strength & Movement, you will learn that strength is the keystone physical characteristic. Strength is a skill, and this skill benefits and empowers all the other physical attributes. Through increased strength, you will find yourself more resilient, more capable, and more confident tackling the most mundane of daily tasks. And when life throws you lemons, you will surprise yourself with the ease with which you can make the best lemonade.
The method of acquiring strength will be different for every individual, and some will benefit from external challenges and will use implements to achieve their goals, while others will find that simply confronting the obstacles of gravity and their own body weight will be enough to unlock their potential.
Together, we will tap your reservoir of strength, both physical and mental. You will realize the immense amount of force your body can generate, and you will gain a new appreciation for what you can accomplish when the ancient principles used by gymnasts, warriors, and old time strongmen and -women are applied in your life.
Now is the time to unlock your strength. Now is the time to dig deep within, ponder this question, and then decide to take action:
How strong can you truly be?

Rediscover the Joy of Play.
At Legacy Strength & Movement, the last element is the arguably the most fun. The human body is capable of amazing things, and yours is capable of so much more than you likely know. We will explore the wide range of movements and skills that you can own forever.
Movement means so much more than simply going through motions, or x number of repetitions for y number of sets. When we watch children play, they express themselves in a limitless array of postures, for whatever amount of time they want, and in any order that they like. And the odds are great that at one time, you did too.
Together, we will rediscover the joy of play, finding new ways to move and improve your athleticism. What’s more, for those who have various physical pains and discomforts, we will identify the faults in your movement patterns and address them. When we fix the patterns, we often solve the pain.
Now is the time to get moving. Now is the time to find the fluid grace that your body was meant to boast. Now ask yourself this question, and if the answer inspires you, take the next step: